We believe learning should be engaging and exciting!

At Helping Skills, we love bringing our training to life by collaborating with renowned investigators…

Imagine Sherlock Holmes guiding you through a training, or a mentor taking you on a learning journey…

We believe that learning becomes more exciting when iconic experts are your guides…

We pay special attention to our clients’ ideas, striving to incorporate them accurately into our storyboards to ensure outstanding results that meet their expectations...

Imagine a training module focused on developing problem-solving skills. Our storyboard incorporates principles of cognitive psychology to ensure that key information is presented in a way that optimizes retention and understanding.

Our interactive quizzes are not just assessments but gateways to deep understanding

A problem-solving quiz, for example, presents realistic scenarios where learners choose the best approach. The detailed feedback not only gives correct answers but also helps learners understand nuances, reinforcing their understanding of the subject. This method fosters continuous improvement at each learning stage in an informative and engaging way.

Our avatar approach goes beyond mere visual representation...

Our gamified avatars are not just graphic images; they are engaging virtual companions in the learning journey. This gamification expertise adds a layer of interactive excitement to the educational experience.

We innovate by using serious games to create unique training, providing an engaging and immersive learning experience that exceeds expectations…

Thanks to our unique training approach, you will be immersed in this captivating adventure, making critical decisions, and developing skills while having an unforgettable learning experience…

Our comprehensive services encompass project management for smooth training module implementation, rigorous testing through UX design tests and Candid Learner Test. With a Headhunting factory, we recruit digital learning profiles, connect with Qualiopi’s expert, and actively build professional networks in Lyon (France), Geneva (Switzerland), Roma (Italy) and London (UK).