
Helping Skills, established during the health crisis by seasoned entrepreneur Chimena Micaela B., Multilingual Professor, University Researcher and Educational Engineer. Her professional commitment, availability, mobility, and customer service ensure top-notch support for her clients.

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Chimena Micaela B.

Graduated from French universities with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Psychology and a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Languages, French, English and Spanish ; former PH doctoral candidate in Languages.

Drawing upon my experience in an international environment and imbued with the values of freedom, equality, and fraternity, I am deeply aligned with these fundamental principles, which I fully embody in my daily life.

Diplômée des universités françaises, en Licence et Master en Psychologie et en Licence et Master en Langues Français, Anglais et Espagnol ; ancienne Doctorante en Langues.

Forte de mon expérience dans un environnement international, imprégnée des valeurs de liberté, d’égalité et de fraternité, je suis profondément alignée avec ces principes fondamentaux que j’incarne pleinement au quotidien.

Member of the French national collective « Women in Health » Membre du collectif national français « Femmes de Santé »

A few words…

« The world in which we live calls us to become much more aware of the Socratic phrase « Know thyself, and you will know the universe and the gods. » We live in a world of struggle, where, more than ever, humanity needs to learn to understand itself. If one does not understand oneself, one will not understand others. Therefore, I advocate for the utmost tolerance towards others, but also towards oneself. » Chimena Micaela B.